Our treadmill has a section that displays the intensity of your workout - everything from "Cool Down" (whose bars light up in a blue colour) all the way to "Endurance" and "Performance" (which lights up orange and red, respectively). One day while I was running up a hill segment, but keeping up my good pace, I noticed that I filled up all the coloured bars to the top, all the way to the "Performance" section. It didn't feel good. But it felt good. Know what I mean?
It's kind of how I feel about life. I've really learned lately that in order to grow, to change, to be transformed, to "endure" and "perform" (to accomplish something) in the Kingdom, I must be willing to hit the red. To not feel good in my flesh, but to feel good in my Spirit. That's where muscle is built, and where something of real value is accomplished in my life, and in others.
A beautiful, inspiring friend of mine shared a Graham Cooke quote on Facebook recently, one that really spoke truth and encouragement to me:
“If we have a giant in our life it is because we are meant to be a giant ourselves. The circumstances in front of us are designed therefore to increase our size in the Spirit. So upgrade your stature in relation to Jesus; and radically increase your power in the Holy Spirit. Or, if you prefer, just quit and never realize your true self and the inheritance that goes with it.”I, for one, would like to increase my spiritual size. After all, David didn't start out fighting his giant - he worked his way up to Goliath. I would like to be able to face a Goliath without fear, but with trust. To be able to endure and even perform when faced with adversity and darkness.
I've lived in the blue a lot of my life. At times, I've hit some yellow, orange, and on the rare occasion, some red. I want to live more and more in the red. Because living in the red means that I'm walking with my Savior every step of the way. And that's where I want to be, no matter how intense it is.
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