Monday, July 12, 2010 |


Last night, I was pleasantly surprised to roll over and see 4:30am on my alarm clock when my little Jack started calling for some food. We usually get done feeding him and into bed by about 11:00, so to get 5 1/2 hours of sleep IN A ROW was pure bliss. And really helps a mama deal with her day much better! (Especially when coffee can no longer play a role... Yes, I'm still missing my "mourning" java... sorry, I couldn't resist... I love homonyms...)

Kris thinks I idolize sleep. That I put it before other more important things. (Like social obligations and personal hygiene, to name a few. But I'm sure I'm not the only one who has ever chosen 15 more minutes of sleep over a shower, right?!) He is probably right on the money with his accusations. *sigh*

Having a newborn really cramps my style in the sleep department. As much as I look forward to when Jack starts sleeping through the night, though, I'm really trying to enjoy these times; while he's still getting up (it's only once a night right now, anyways) just means that he is still a cuddly little newborn. Once he's sleeping all night, he won't be like this anymore. He'll be bigger, and this time will be gone. So, I'm trying to appreciate that he's still little enough to need me in the night, instead of wishing it away. And the funny thing is, spending 40 minutes feeding a baby in the middle of the night offers the kind of peace and quiet that is rarely found in a household with a 2 year old. The other thing I appreciate about it, is that he keeps getting up. SIDS is every parent's nightmare. I am blessed that my precious baby cries in the middle of the night, because it means that he is alive and well.

So, maybe Kris IS a little off the mark, too, in believing that sleep is my idol. (Although, I can still be a bit nasty at 3 o'clock in the morning... we've just decided that we should simply dismiss whatever verbal banter is exchanged at these wee hours of the morning. It's for the best, really.) Hopefully this means that I'm growing past some of my hang-ups. Maybe.


Claire said...

great attitude! I have been told more than once by my great mate that perhaps Sleep is like a god to me :)

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