Friday, May 22, 2009 |

Small Things

Small things I'm taking joy in today:
  • Having a picnic at the job site with my husband and son, in the SUN!
  • Watching Sam's droopy eyes in the car ride on the way home from said picnic, and then seeing them eventually close, and seeing his head bobbing around
  • Taking my sleeping boy inside, all his body weight slumped on my shoulder - just like a rock!  
  • Smelling the roast I have in the oven, and realizing that I can put a roast in the oven!  (I feel like my mom!)
  • Anticipating the arrival of a good friend, and looking forward to a visit
  • Reading an awesome book on the deck while my son sleeps
  • Watching a bee go to my flowers, and not running from fear - just realizing it's just going about its day, like I am
  • Learning some things about myself that I'd like to change, and learning that God wants to GENTLY bring me to a better place, just because he loves me and that's his nature
  • Pulling more dandelions
  • Listening to my newly tuned piano, and looking forward to not having to check if my chords are right because the piano sounds so bad
I always tease Kris (and by "tease", I sometimes mean "get mad at", too) for being a glass-half-empty person.  But I am realizing that I am too.  A few decibels quieter, but a pessimist, nonetheless.  Sometimes it's nice just to be intentional about thinking about the good things.  And to realize that life can be pretty great, when you stop scowling...


Claire said...

Hey I didn't know you were blogging, or if I did, I forgot...but I saw some links from your blog to mine, so I thought I would check it out! I like your joy list. :)

Sarah C said...

Yeah, I just started a bit ago. I don't really know how to "tell" people, and then I feel silly about that anyways. I figure it'll just get out when it needs to. I actually find it really therapeutic, putting my thoughts down. I'm glad you liked it! I always enjoy reading your blog. I get connected to a lot of good ones through Avey's!

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