Wednesday, May 20, 2009 |

Quiet Moments

When Kris and I head to bed, we always sneak into Sam's room.  We do this for a few reasons:  to cover him back up if he's kicked off his blankets, to reposition him if he's all twisted around, and to make sure he's alright.  But the biggest reason, is just because it's nice.  It's so fun to watch him sleep so soundly for a few minutes, listening to his little breaths, watching his mouth make little sucky faces, and chuckling when he makes a funny sound.  

Often, I'll pick him up and just hold him for a bit.  I love to feel him in my arms.  It's so peaceful.  Sometimes he'll touch my face, or my hair, in his sleep.  I really treasure those moments.  I try to memorize what his little face looks like, what his noises sound like, and exactly what he feels like as I hold him.  I'd like to be able to retrieve those memories as accurately as possible, because there will be a day when I can't do this.  He'll be too big, or think I'm weird.  Or both.  It just reminds me how fast things can go, and how important it is to make the most of these times.  

But, at the same time, I have to remember that there will be something beautiful and worth treasuring at each stage.  He's not a newborn that I can lay on the couch with anymore (THAT is just a huge fight, now!), but now he can walk over to me and put his arms up to be picked up.  Soon, he will be able to say, "I love you, Mom!"  Not long after that, he will be able to make me macaroni jewelry boxes.  There'll always be something to delight in.  Which is such a nice thought, isn't it?!  But for now, I will still enjoy holding him while he sleeps, while I still can.  It reminds me of this book, which is such a beautiful story.  And is SHE can still cuddle her sleeping, adult son, then I should be able to, too, right?!  ;)


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